AHHA What We Achieved In 2020
This year has been & still is very difficult for many people worldwide suffering from natural disasters and the Covid-19 pandemic.
Despite the hardships, team AHHA still continues to do what it does best - help people in need.
AHHA Mission 2019
“We are READY, WILLING, and ABLE.”
From Australia to Cambodia. Capturing the moments that matter. We bring you a fresh perspective for the 2019 journey.
AHHA Mission 2019 - Week 1
In 4 days, we have achieved:
Eye Team
450 Patients Examined
332 Eye Surgeries Performed
Dental Team
505 Patients Screened
Over 1,000 Procedures Performed
We welcome 2nd group volunteers and our work continues.
AHHA Water Project 2019
Your donation helps hundreds of poor rural families have clean filtered water.
Together we’re improving lives.
Thank you!
AHHA Community Center
Officially opened on 28th of August 2019
We wish to thank all donors, organisations, and individuals for your generous support of this much-needed AHHA Community Center.
Your donation helps making this new building a reality.
Partners of AHHA 2019
The work of AHHA is not possible without the joint effort of our partners.
We sincerely thank our local partners for their collaboration and friendship.
Khmer Sight Foundation
Central National Bank of Cambodia
Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital
University of Puthisastra
May Bank
Ministry of Women Affairs
and Local Volunteers
AHHA 2019 Charity
Soccer Match of the Year
AHHA wishes to thank all sponsors, organisations, and individuals for their generous support of AHHA charity work.
Macquarie Bank Foundation
Macquarie Silver Donut team
AHHA Docceroos team
Donors and Supporters
AHHA 2018 Mission - Help Us Help Those
In Need
On Saturday, 11th August 2018, AHHA will be returning to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to carry out free cataract surgery for the poor and provide free dental treatment for the special need, rescued children & orphans, and distribute free food packages to the needy in Cambodia & Vietnam.
We also provide training through ophthalmic & dental seminars & workshops to local medical staff & students.
2018 AHHA Mission Clip 1 - Mission Began
AHHA 2018 mission has commenced.
Follow our journey as we share with you the work of our volunteers.
2018 AHHA Mission - Finale
Our 16th annual mission has been a resounding success!
So many lives have been changed for the better.
Thank you to our supporters. Your donations have enabled us to:
Provide care & assistance to the most disadvantaged
Share knowledge & skills for long-term sustainability
2018 AHHA Mission Clip 2 - Eye & Dental
It is a privilege to provide care for disadvantaged patients who need help the most. Here is team AHHA at work and what we achieved in 3 days. As group 1 volunteers hand over to group 2, our work continues.
2018 AHHA Mission - Humanitarian Work
Eye surgery and dental treatment are not the only things we do.
Check out our Humanitarian work in assisting remote communities via the AHHA Water Filter Project.
AHHA 2018 Charity
Soccer Match of the Year!
Soccer fever is well and truly alive!
We are talking about the AHHA 2018 Charity Soccer Match of the Year where a fantastic amount was raised to fund our charity works. AHHA sincerely thanks all donors & the Macquarie Bank Foundation for their generous support and to Madeleine Hoang & Dr. Duc Van for their wonderful initiative and hard work to make this happen. Special thanks to the soccer stars of the day & the 2 teams: The Macquarie Silver Donuts and the AHHA Docceroos.
AHHA Education Sponsorship
(On Going Project)
Every child deserves the opportunity to receive an education. Disadvantaged children need the most help. Your continued donation helps them attend school and go as far as they can with their education.
Help us break the poverty cycle.
AHHA - Clean Water Project
(On Going Project)
Clean water is life.
Since 2016 to 2017, AHHA distributed 5,000 water filters to poor families, schools, and community centres that do not have access to clean water. This simple gift has made a huge difference in the lives of those most affected in Vietnam and Cambodia.
We can do more with your continued donations.
AHHA 2017 - What We Are About
Hello Australia!
It has been 1 year since our successful AHHA 2016 charity mission. In preparation for our next epic mission to commence on the 12th of August 2017, come along with us and share our vision with the world.
AHHA 2017 Mission - Clip 1
Day One.
Please stay tuned.
AHHA 2017 Mission - Clip 2
AHHA is a family of volunteers who share the same vision.
See our volunteers at work and share their perspectives.
AHHA 2017 Mission - Clip 3
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your support & commitment to make our 2017 medical mission in Cambodia & Vietnam possible.
We were able to provide free cataract surgeries for the blind, dental treatments for special need children, training for local students & doctors & humanitarian aid to the underprivileged.
Mission 2016 - Post Operation & Mission
AHHA 2016 Charity Mission
The Amazing Surgeons, Anaesthetists, and the Theatre Team at work at the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital in Phnom Penh.
AHHA 2016 Charity Mission
The Dynamic Optometry Team at work at the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital in Phnom Penh.
AHHA 2016 Charity Mission
The Formidable GP Team at work at the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital in Phnom Penh.
AHHA 2016 Charity Mission
The Remarkable Dental Team at work at the University of Puthisatra in Phnom Penh.
Video courtesy of Cambodia International Sight Association (CISA)
Mission 2016 - AHHA Eye Surgery Mission
In Phnom Penh
From the 13th to the 27th of August, AHHA carried out a humanitarian mission for 402 cataracts, 22 pterygium surgeries, and 1140 dental treatments provided for free to underprivileged people. During this mission, food packages were also distributed to the needy in Cambodia and Vietnam.
The assistance and enthusiasm from CISA and local volunteers were invaluable and together with our dedicated AHHA volunteers, wonderful work was accomplished to help the poor and the sick in Cambodia & Vietnam during the 2016 mission.
Mission 2016 - Day 2
Setting up workstations at the Khmer Soviet Friendship Hospital for the eye team and the University of Puthisatra for the dental team in Phnom Penh.
The video also includes the Welcome and Introduction dinner.
Mission 2016 - Day 1
Leaving Australia for Cambodia
Video courtesy of SBTN Australia
In December 2015, chairman Dr. William Trinh together with Dr. Hien Tran, Ms. Thuy Nguyen, and Dr. Tam Tran were invited to talk about VVPA/AHHA on SBTN TV which is a cable TV network in Vietnamese, widely broadcasted in Australia, USA, Canada, and France.
We hope you enjoy watching it. The interview is in Vietnamese. However, there are many footage showing many of Vietnam Vision/AHHA field trips in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Video courtesy of Westymedia by David Westbrook
In response to this alarming statistic, the Vietnam Vision Projects Australia (VVPA) was formed in 2003. This project brings together volunteers from across Australia to restore vision for people suffering from cataracts in rural Vietnam by using the skills and technology from Australia.
2008 marked the beginning of VVPA's partnership with the Rotary Club of Liverpool West and the Rotary Australia World Community Services Inc (RAWCS). VVPA/AHHA work is only possible with the generous financial support of sponsors/donors and time from all volunteers.
Video courtesy of Westymedia by David Westbrook
There are more than 120,000 cataract operations in Vietnam each year. Unfortunately, the annual incidence is relatively higher at approximately 170,000 new people affected by cataracts. Women account for a higher portion of the population suffering from cataract blindness.
The majorities of blind people live in rural areas and are poor. Despite a lot of effort in the treatment and prevention of blindness and help from overseas medical missions and charitable organisations, blindness is still a major problem in Vietnam.
Video courtesy of Westymedia by David Westbrook
A report from the Health Ministry of Vietnam in 2001 revealed that 463,552 people were suffering from bilateral blindness and 889,276 people had blindness in one eye. Cataract is the major cause of blindness in people over 50 and usually affects both eyes (60.9%).
1. To restore the vision of people suffering from cataracts by using the latest technologies from Australia and the skills of Australian health professional volunteers.
2. To provide charitable assistance to other areas of need.
Video courtesy of Westymedia by David Westbrook
Another historic moment in the VVPA journey. The dental team has begun its association with VVPA. After months of planning, discussing, and organising the actual physical work has begun.
In 2011, VVPA started to provide dental care and preliminary treatment of dental conditions for poor and disabled children in rural Vietnam by Australian dental practitioners.
With the trip only 3 weeks away, on Saturday 2nd July 2011, members of the dental team, packed their goods and tools and were ready to go.
Video courtesy of Westymedia by David Westbrook
"I hope I'm healthy enough to go on every single trip this charity group organizes. I get so much out of it than what I put in I have to admit. I have never felt this way about any other organisations. My life has completely turned around since I joined VVPA/AHHA. I encourage everyone to get involved."